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Calling AI-Flow from External Systems

You can trigger your AI-Flow workflows remotely from other platforms or external systems by using a REST API. Below is a concise overview on how to quickly set this up:

Step 1: Obtain Your Flow ID and API Key​

  • Open the API Builder View from the right pane in AI-Flow.
  • Retrieve your Flow ID from the right-side pane.
  • Generate an API Key. Store this key securely, as it is shown only once.

Step 2: Trigger Your Flow via REST API​

Make a REST request using the following concise example:

curl<your_flow_id>/run \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $AI_FLOW_API_KEY" \
-d '{"input_field": "your input data"}'

Replace <your_flow_id> and $AI_FLOW_API_KEY with your actual Flow ID and API Key.

The API will respond with a run ID, which you can later use to check the result.

Step 3: Retrieve Results​

Use your run ID to retrieve results:

curl<your_flow_id>/run/<run_id> \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $AI_FLOW_API_KEY"

Alternatively, configure a webhook URL to have results pushed directly to your system upon completion.

👉 Detailed Documentation on how to customize your API Here