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Creating New Nodes

This section of the documentation describes how to create new nodes in the application using the simplest and quickest method. This method involves adding a node through a single Python file.

Quick Start Guide

Follow these steps to create a new node and his associated processor:

1. Set Up the Node File

First, navigate to the appropriate directory :


In this directory, create a new Python file using the naming format:


2. Choose the Base Class

Your new node must extend one of two base classes, depending on its dependencies on user parameters:

  • BasicExtensionProcessor: Use this if the node does not depend on user-specific parameters, such as an API key.
  • ContextAwareExtensionProcessor: Use this if the node requires context about the user, such as user-specific settings or keys.

3. Implement Your Node

Below are the template structures for each type of processor. Replace YourProcessor with the appropriate class name for your node, and ensure processor_type is a unique identifier for your node type.

Using BasicExtensionProcessor

from ...context.processor_context import ProcessorContext
from .extension_processor import BasicExtensionProcessor

class YourProcessor(BasicExtensionProcessor):
processor_type = "your-processor" # Unique identifier for this processor type

def __init__(self, config):

def get_node_config(self):
# Define the structure of your node here

def process(self):
# Implement your processing logic here

Using ContextAwareExtensionProcessor

from ...context.processor_context import ProcessorContext
from .extension_processor import ContextAwareExtensionProcessor

class YourProcessor(ContextAwareExtensionProcessor):
processor_type = "your-processor" # Unique identifier for this processor type

def __init__(self, config, context: ProcessorContext):
super().__init__(config, context)

def get_node_config(self):
# Define the structure of your node here

def process(self):
# Implement your processing logic here

def cancel(self):
# Optional: Implement cancellation logic here

Define Node Structure

Each processor must define a schema to outline the fields it possesses and the outputs it returns.

The get_node_config() method define what the node will look like in the UI.

To define the node configuration, utilize the builders located in the file packages/backend/app/processors/components/

Important: This file is generated automatically; please do not modify it.

Here is an example of a basic node with a single text field:

def get_node_config(self) -> NodeConfig:
urlField = (

return (

Additional field types such as select, sliders, switch, textarea, textfield, and options can be added. Consult the packages/backend/app/processors/components/ for detailed information.

For practical examples of existing nodes, refer to:

  • packages/backend/app/processors/components/extension/
  • packages/backend/app/processors/components/extension/
  • packages/backend/app/processors/components/extension/ (This one is using objects directly and not the builders)

Nodes outside the "extension" folder are constructed differently and should not be used as references for this tutorial.

Retrieve Inputs

After defining get_node_config(), your node will appear in the web UI once you restart your server.

The primary method for processing node inputs is:

def process(self):
# Your logic here

This method is activated when your node is run.

To retrieve your inputs, use the field names defined in your schema like this:

def process(self):
url = self.get_input_by_name("url")

This method fetches the input value, whether it is directly set in the node or fed from another node.


If the input value originates from another node, it is crucial to retrieve it within the process() method rather than in the constructor, as it won't be available earlier.

Retrieve User Parameters

User parameters are accessible via the Configuration menu of the UI, such as API keys for services like OpenAI or Replicate:

def process(self):
api_key = self._processor_context.get_value("openai_api_key")
client = OpenAI(api_key=api_key)

To determine the exact key name to retrieve a parameter, refer to the packages/backend/config.yaml.

Note that processor context is initialized only when you extend ContextAwareExtensionProcessor.

Implement Node Behavior

Now equipped with input retrieval and user parameters, you can implement your node's behavior. Use a return statement to output the value that will be displayed in the app.


To return an image or video, provide a URL and set your output type to imageUrl or videoUrl in your NodeConfig. If you lack a URL, you can utilize self.get_storage() to save your file on S3 (if you have configured it). For example:

storage = self.get_storage()
url ="your-filename.png", data)

Optional: Adding New User Parameters to the App

Please refer to the section Adding New Parameters

Optional: Adding new library

This project uses poetry as dependency management.

If you need to add a new dependency, you should navigate to ai-flow/packages/backend directory in the terminal and use the poetry add command.

For example, if you want to include a library for making HTTP requests, you might add requests like this:

poetry add requests

Final Touch: Adding Translation Variables

When creating your schema, it's common to include text-related fields such as node names, field placeholders, and help messages. To make these texts translatable, you should use translation variables in these fields.

    def get_node_config(self) -> NodeConfig:
urlField = (
.set_placeholder("URLPlaceholder") // Translation variable here

return (
.set_node_name("DocumentToText") // Translation variable here
.set_help_message("documentToTextHelp") // Translation variable here

Add the translation variables to the localization file located at packages/ui/public/locales/en/flow.json as shown below:

"URLPlaceholder": "Enter a URL",
"DocumentToText": "Document to Text",
"documentToTextHelp": "Converts .pdf, .txt, .csv, .json, and .html files to plain text"

With these translation variables in place, your node is ready for international use.

Feel free to submit a pull request to the repository to share your new node with others!